''meryl, mama mia. We were in greece, we danced, i was gay, we were happy.'' 我才不说我是因为听了国王叔的这句话才翻出电影来看的……上一次看的时候只看了一半就关掉了说实话大卡们唱得真不那么动听(¬_¬)怪不得拿了金酸梅呢……【和邻居哥哥野外露营小说】纯粹看卡斯的一部片儿~and国王叔你就别搞笑了
The steampunk world,with these powerful humans,is absolutely captivating.The scenes are precisely awesome.But the stupid story looks like a cheap novel picked up on the street vendor easily and you can’t stand it anymore so drop it into the fire.